
Where in #Brief15? Valistika will give a conference at centro Conde Duque.

Valístika began in 2006 as a team specialising in art direction, typography and illustration for textile, editorial design, publicity and product.
The team was formed by Guadalupe Cos-Gayón and Miguel Abio Ruiz, both big fans of printing, typography and traditional methods. They always try to reflect this love in their work.
After spending time in La Coruña and Barcelona they have established in Madrid, where they work with national and international clients.
They have had the chance to be part of projects for clients and agencies such as: Nike (EHQ y USA), Converse (NYC), Ford, Neff, Brand & Roses, Candela NYC, RoAndCo,Shackleton, Tampax, Umbro, Intec Records, Wunderman, Zatoon Records SF….
Their motto; Keep it small, MAKE IT BIG! SPREAD LOVE!


Posted in Artistas.